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The Quick And Powerful Word For Resurrection And Translation (2928)
In the garden, Jesus prayed three times, saying, "Father, I don't won't to die. If it be thy will, let this cup from from me; nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done to me." For He had chosen the time and place, our sins for His life He exchanged, to conquer death, hell, and the grave, our redemption was fully paid. In the garden a wife prayed this time, saying, "Father, now I don't have to die. According to thy will, let it be done to me, one in Christ, as I give myself to thee." For we've chosen the time and place, our life for His life we exchanged. Now O death has no more reign, full redemption we have claimed. Now O death has no more reign, at this last trumpet sound, full redemption we have claimed.


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