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The Body Of Christ Develops Into The Flesh And Bones Of The Perfect Man (2963)
So the body of Christ that has now taken on flesh and bones is henceforth and forever called the wife, His Christ. This is very important as we go forward in the Word. That's why we say, "We are Christ the wife of the Lamb." This is so, because we are now one with our Husband; not only with Him spiritually, but also one flesh. So we are Christ the wife of the Lamb, not the wife of Christ; but the wife of the Son of God, the King of Glory. So now Christ has taken on flesh and bones again, even as Christ put on the literal body of Jesus the Son of God when He was baptized of John. (Matthew 3:13-17) So we are no more a mystical body; but the literal body, as we have taken the same Word into us that produced the body of the Son of God through the virgin named Mary, who believed the Word and said, "Be it unto me according to thy Word." This is repeating itself in us, the wife of the Lamb, as we say the same.


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